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Fall is coming soon and you know what that means...
Fall Portraits!
Fall is one of the most popular times for families to update their portraits. I mean it is beautiful! Who wouldn't want those beautiful fall colors in their portraits? I have a few tips for you to help ease your stress when it comes to picking out the clothes for your session. I have 3 great tips for you to help guide you!
1. Stick to similar shades throughout the clothing
When you start the task of picking clothing for the session, think of a shade that looks best on everyone. Does everyone look great in darker clothing or lighter clothing? Picking clothes that are close to the same shade value will allow the portrait to look uniform and more pleasing.
Just because you pick a shade value does not mean you have to use the same color throughout the portraits. You can do different colors but keep the shades of the colors relatively the same.
Please do not mix dark and light. Put a light top on and dark bottoms, and vis versa, can make you look out of proportional. Lets face it, as women we have our insecurities. Clothing can minimize or maximize those insecurities. The lightest thing always draws they eye in for if your shirt id the lightest thing in the portrait that is where anyone will look first and most. Keeping everyone's clothing close and in lighter shade value can make you and the people you love the main focal point and make sure no one sticks out more than the rest.
2. Shoes; go a shade or two darker
The last thing we want the attention to go to in our portraits is our shoes. Sure they can be beautiful too but your faces are more important! Try to stick to shoes that are a shade value or two darker than your outfits. If the shoes are too dark or too light people may be looking down instead of at your faces.
3. Choose something you are at least semi comfortable in
Portraits already make people uneasy. It's something about a camera pointing at you that just seems to add an edge. Adding clothing that you can't move or breath in very easily makes it so much worse.
The same goes for shoes ladies! Don't wear heels that make you miserable.
If you are buying new clothes and shoes, takt some time to walk around in them. If it makes you feel amazing, it will show in your portraits!
This is especially important with you kids. Kids do not do well with uncomfortable clothing. It is just asking for lack of cooperation and little tudes and tears. There are plenty of great clothing options that will not have them wishing the session was over so they can change clothes.
Picking out clothes for your session does not have to be another stressful thing you have to do. It is even easier when you have a full-service photographer that helps you ;).
I believe the session experience should be something mom can relax and enjoy with her family. She shouldn't stress about the clothes, where to have the session or try to figure out what size portrait will look good on her walls. That is why I choose to be a full-service photographer. I take the time to help you with everything and help you enjoy the experience with your family.
I hope this was helpful for you! These three tips are a great way to pick your clothes for an upcoming session. I wrote another blog post that is a little more detailed, you can find it here: What should you wear to your session?
Bonus Tip: When you are picking color for your clothes try to go with cool or warm tones through out the clothing. Warm tones are best for fall portraits ;)
Have a great day!
Did you enjoy these 3 tips? Let me know what you think below in the comments section.